Online Terrain Crafting System Template PDF
Online Terrain Crafting System - Stage, Wall and Floor Templates PDF
The DMG’s Online Terrain Crafting System (OTCS) is designed to allow you to build physical terrain for use in both in-person and online tabletop-roleplaying games.
This product supplies you with the templates to build the three core components of the system and utilise them to create an endless array of features for your game world.
The OTCS Stage
The OTCS Stage consists of multiple layers built up using double-layered cardboard (7mm) or 5mm foam board to create a 3-dimensional slotted mount for walls and floor pieces. It has been designed to incorporate various future additional pieces.
The OTCS Wall
The Online Terrain Crafting System Wall is a simple rectangular shape with guides for the horizon line and magnet placements for future magnetised 3D features. It has been standardised to make it simple and easy to share ideas and different backdrops (also available on this site).
The Floor
The OTCS Floor is shaped to fit into the stage and delineate the visible area of the camera lens. Allowing you to build and place features with confidence that they will be within the field of view of your camera, or the people playing your RPG in person.